DekTec Powers DVB-H Demonstrations at 3GSMA Mobile World Congress in Barcelona
DekTec's growing presence in the nascent Mobile TV arena was highly evident from the plethora of exhibitors at 3SGSMA using DekTec streamers. A great variety of exhibitors were deploying the DTA-115 in exotic PC formats to power their DVB-H demonstrations. Other mobile TV Technologies supported by the DTA-115 are 1-segment ISDB-T and DMB-T/H, with more standards to come!
"It was pleasing to meet many exhibitors who already use or know of DekTec from the digital video industry are now migrating to this new and rapidly developing area. This awareness greatly assists DekTec to get its forthcoming products to market quickly" says Nilesh Mandalia, sales director of DekTec. "I've received many requests for OEM components to assist in the convergence of Video and the Mobile Phone market."
As a direct result of the exhibition, DekTec will shortly be announcing a new product offering to assist in the in-depth analysis of DVB-H. This will be bundled with the ever popular range of USB-2 FantASI modules and PCI cards.
Judging by the results, DekTec will have an even greater presence at the next show! |