DTU-245-DVB+ is an Impromptu Hit at Broadcast Live / VideoForum 2008
DekTec's growing presence in the UK took a further step forward with a booth especially for DekTec products at Broadcast Live / VideoForum 2008, organised jointly with Digi-Box.co.uk. Nilesh Mandalia, VP Sales at DekTec, was pleased to welcome old and new clients at the booth, which provided a good chance to discuss the various opportunities in digital delivery in the UK.
The stars of the DekTec booth were the end-to-end DVB-T demonstration powered by the DTA-115-SP. Visitors were amazed what a small cost-effective card can do! The DTA-115 comes with DVB-T/H, ATSC, QAM Annex A, B & C and a bi-directional ASI Input/Output port as standard with ISDBT & DMB-T/H as options. Digi-Box.co.uk helped to show off the portability by integrating the card into a compact Shuttle PC.
A demonstration of the newly released DTU-245 with DVBAnalyzer continues to astound DekTec's existing clients with new features. The advanced TS analyser offers teletext, subtitling and data carrousel decoding / analysis and much more! As a result of the show, DekTec have made additional plans to offer the new DVBAnalyzer as an upgrade to the large installed base of customers along with a new bundle with the ever popular DTU-245 FantASI USB-2 ASI/SDI I/O adapter.
Judging by the results, James Nakanda, Product Manager at Digi-Box.co.uk is sure to be busy in 2008 and beyond! The BLVF exposition is sure to be a premier show for the local UK Broadcast Industry and DekTec wishes it all the best for the next event. |